Fortune Roll

What is Fortune Roll?

Fortune Roll is a simple casino game that has captured the attention of many players around the world. The game's mechanics are quite straightforward: players simply have to bet on a number between 1 and 99, and wait for the result of the roll.

Fortune Roll can be played in two different modes, each with its own set of rules and payout multipliers. The first mode is Roll Below, where players win if the number that comes up is lower than the one they've chosen. On the other hand, if the number is higher, the player loses their bet. The second mode is Roll Above, where players win if the number that comes up is higher than the one they've chosen. Conversely, if the number is lower, the player loses their bet.

The payout multiplier varies depending on the number that the player chooses. In Roll Below mode, for instance, choosing a number like 25 gives a payout multiplier of 4.06. On the other hand, choosing a higher number like 75 gives a lower payout multiplier of 1.34. The same goes for Roll Above mode, where the payout multiplier decreases as the chosen number decreases.

Overall, Fortune Roll is a game that's both easy to understand and fun to play.

Fortune Roll on 0xBets

You can now simply play Fortune Roll on 0xBets on:

  • Polygon

  • Arbitrum

We accept the following assets for betting: WMATIC, WBTC, WETH, stMATIC, LINK, AAVE, USDC, USDT, BUSD and DAI.

How to play Fortune Roll

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Select the asset you want to bet on.

  2. Choose the amount to bet.

  3. Decide whether to bet below or above.

  4. Select the number you want to bet on.

  5. Click 'Roll', approve, and confirm the transaction.

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